Coach Education

Coach Pathway

Coach Development


The Australian Track and Field Coaches Association (ATFCA) has an Accreditation Updating policy on a four-year cycle.  This follows the guidelines that all coaches need to ensure that they undertake “Professional Development” in some form and show that they are fully involved in the Track and Field world of coaching. The following information will be of assistance to you in undertaking this initiative.

Coaches should participate in a variety of seminars, workshops and courses to continue the process of self-education/professional development in coaching Track and Field.  Many coaches already do this, to ensure that the athletes under their guidance receive the best possible advice and attention that they can give.  It is also worth remembering that the ATFCA gives support to all levels of accreditation in possible cases of litigation; it would be hard to do so, however, if the coach had not endeavoured to update their knowledge.

Updating is a part of the continuing education of coaches.  Its purposes include:

Updating does not necessarily mean more coaching theory work.  Recognition is given to:

A full list of these options is included in the attached ‘Credit Point Scale for Accreditation Updating’.  Each level of accreditation has its own requirements.  The requirements are: All information provided is for ATFCA members.






Each coach is responsible for maintaining a record of updating events attended and other sources of credit points.  A log book is provided by the ATFCA for coaches to record all of their updating activities.  Alternatively, if a log book is not available, coaches are encouraged to keep a record book of all professional development, either electronically, or manually.  These records are to be sent to the ATFCA Executive Director by all coaches at the end of each four-year period for endorsement of satisfactory completion of updating requirements.

Where a claim is made under Section D for producing an athlete, this should be recorded at the end of the twelve-month period where the coach must have coached the athlete for a minimum of twelve months before being eligible to claim this achievement.  A claim can be made for each subsequent year of coaching.

Log Books will be reviewed by the National office to ensure reaccreditation and professional development is an ongoing process.

There are no specific fees for updating, as these are included in the ATFCA’s annual membership fee structure.

I hope that this information will assist you in understanding the accreditation updating process.  Please contact the Executive Director if you require further information.

Glynis Nunn

Executive Director

Coaching Athletes with Disabilities

The techniques and methods used for coaching all athletes are basically the same. In all situations a coach should assess the abilities of the athlete and coach accordingly.

However, there are some additional coaching techniques and considerations that should be applied to athletes with disabilities. Segments on inclusive coaching are included in specific courses.   The coaching framework offers specific courses for specialist strands for coaching athletes with disabilities.

Coaches with Overseas Qualifications

Coaches who are wishing to become accredited in the Australian system can apply to Athletics Australia for reciprocal recognition of their overseas qualifications. ATFCA can help to accommodate this requirement should it be necessary. It is essential the coach provides all copies of courses undertaken in their previous country of residence. This information is presented to a Committee to assess their suitability and the level of recognition that will be granted.

Branches of the ATFCA will commence delivery of coaching courses in the not too distant future – as branches organise dates members will be advised through the Newsletter and via the website. State branches of ATFCA also conduct regular seminars and workshops which offer professional development opportunities for coaches. The National office will advise, as much as possible, the dates of any seminars/workshops that are held. Any dates of future courses will be advised on the website.

Little Athletics Australia conducts the Introduction to Coaching course in each state giving parents and beginning coaches an overview on the basic principles of events along with making the sport fun and increasing athlete participation. This course presents participants with the basic ‘hands on’, knowledge needed to cover events and is a great starting point for coaches who may wish to work towards recognition as a coach in the future. A great introductory course for those that wish to learn a little more about the events in Track and Field.